Aide humanitaire en Haïti
Volunteer stay

Joséphine went to Haiti for three months in the summer of 2016 to help the local team. She recounts her intense experience of living there.
A precarious environment
When she arrived, she was taken aback by what she saw: “I had prepared myself for the area to be very poor, but it was far beyond what I had imagined.” In this part of the country, there is very little electricity, power outages are frequent and are an integral part of daily life. The days are punctuated… by the joy of a fan that suddenly starts up again, or by disappointment and frustration when the lights go out.
In addition, living costs are extremely high – everything is very expensive in Haiti, even buying local fruit costs a fortune. This is why on of the main goals of the Ti Gout Dlo team is to gradually make the orphanage completely self-sufficient in terms of food.
A Vibrant, Bustling Home
Behind the big red door of Ti Gout Dlo, Josephine integrates herself into daily life, which is masterfully managed by a dynamic team led by Danielle Celicourt, a kind, patient woman who does all she can do help provide a future for the children.
The days start early, and are punctuated by meals, daily chores which everybody participates in, lessons and games. The 22 children have little to play with, but make do with what they find around them – stones, leaves, string, or little toy cars that are gifted to them by sponsors. Their maturity and strength of character is evident and very moving.
Josephine’s experience was an enriching one in many ways. Above all else, she was touched by the character of the Haitian people; their courage, their tenacity, their kindness in the face of such hardship and the unique character of the rough diamond that is Ti Gout Dlo.